Greetings from Pastor Jeff Steiner!
We are only a few days away from celebrating the greatest event in human history, the resurrection of
Jesus Christ from the dead! We as Christians believe in the literal rising of Christ from the dead in victory
over the power of Sin, death, hell and the grave! Many today reject that fact and to their own peril will
perish for all eternity. Paul tells us if there be no resurrection then our faith is in vain and we are yet in
our sins. (1 Cor. 15)
Many will gather in churches across the land to acknowledge the events of Easter Sunday. My concern is
who will take to heart by faith what the crucifixion was truly for and about. Jesus was not crucified for his
sin for he was sinless; he laid down his perfect life as a ransom (a sacrifice) for many. Jesus paid the
outstanding sin-debt of mankind forever! However, only those who have surrendered in humble
repentance and faith in his blood atonement receive the benefits, pardon and new life promised through
God’s amazing Grace that comes through the finished work of the Cross! Have you received him? Believe
upon him today and you will find new life and inner cleansing and a peace that surpasses all
An overview of recent messages
On our midweek Bible study’s I have been teaching out of Romans chapter 8. The main theme has been
the fact of two spiritual laws that every human functions by, the law of “Sin and death” and the law of the
“Spirit of life in Christ Jesus”. Every believer is to function in the “Spirit of life” which is a result of proper
faith in Jesus Christ and him crucified. Every individual that has not been born again no matter how good,
religious and moral and upright they may outwardly be functions according to the law of “Sin and Death”.
Simply put, God’s Grace that empowers the believer to live above the dominion of sins power comes by
proper faith in the Cross of Christ alone, whereas anyone who will not believe upon “Jesus Crucified” by
faith is left powerless and under sins dominion and power. Unfortunately most Christians today misplace
faith and live defeated lives!
Elizabeth taught a message called “Getting acquainted with the Holy Spirit”. The Holy Spirit is every
believer’s comforter and helper. Sister Liz teaches the importance of getting to know how the Holy Spirit
moves and operates within our lives!
Sundays have been phenomenal! The Lord has been giving me messages that encourage and challenge
the heart! I preached a message called “The Blessing”. As King David was coming into power he realized
the importance of having the blessing of God upon his kingship, kingdom, work and life. He understood
the blessing was connected to the Ark of God and its proper placement. David is a type of the modern
believer who understands that to have the blessing of God one must have the Cross (a type of the Ark of
God) in its rightful place within our heart.
Last Sunday’s message called “The Solomon Principle” was a home run! The Lord moved in many hearts
and we had a good Altar response. Solomon started out so right in his walk with the Lord as many do in
the Lord today. He was a product of God’s mercy as we are in Christ, He was commissioned to build the
Holy temple of God, He honored the sacrificial system of blood offerings for sin before the Ark of God, the
Lord approved his dedication of the house of God with a cloud of glory and his fame went abroad
throughout all the earth. But Solomon “loved many women”. He would find his loyalty to God overridden
by his passion to conform to the heathen practices of his many wives and would lose his way with God.
We in our time as believers must beware that we don’t allow illicit affections for sin, the world and its
ways, the cares of this life choke out the work of God within our hearts and lives! We must have a heart
to finish our course with joy and victory!
I want to encourage you to consider Promised Land Church as a source of true spiritual nourishment! We
encourage you to join us every Wednesday at 7pm or Sunday morning at 10 am CST live-stream or in
person! You need to be part of a church that proclaims the victory of the Cross and preaches “Jesus Christ
and him Crucified”! Therein is the only truth that can make you truly free! Promised Land is a
nondenominational, full Gospel, Spirit filled Bible church.
Noteworthy quotes
“When we are truly consecrated to the Lord and seeking for His will to be done in our lives, it will not
bring a spirit of pride but on the contrary, the gifts of the spirit will begin to be developed in us, not to lift
us up and bring glory to ourselves but to lift up Jesus Christ and edify others in the body of Christ. The
gifts of the spirit are never given to elevate us! The gifts are given to exhort and edify the body of Christ!
Just another thought, if you don’t belong to a local body, how can your gift edify a particular body? Too
many are not taking up their cross and allowing God’s perfect will to be done in their lives and as a result
those individuals start thinking more highly of themselves that they ought and the body of Christ is the
ones who suffer! For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think
of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every
man the measure of faith. For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the
same office: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another”.
(Romans 12:3-5 KJV)
Rev. Thomas Climer, Family Worship Center, Athens, Tennessee